This bot has the magic ability to render almost any chiptune audio format out there into a single .mp3 file or even an oscilloscope video! Unfortunately, some formats do not
When you render a .mid file, put your desired .sf2 soundfont in the second file slot and the bot will render using your soundfont! (.mid files are limited to a maximum of 200KB to prevent black midi rendering.)
The following files cannot be rendered with an oscilloscope because zxtune123.exe unfortunately does not support audio channel separation: .asc .ftc .gtr .psc .psg .psm .pt1 .pt2 .pt3 .sqt .stc .st1 .st3 .stp .vtx .chi .dmm .dst .et1 .pdt .sqd .str .tfc .tfd .669 .amf .far .fnk .gdm .imf .liq .mdl .mtm .ptm .rtm .stim .stm .stx .ult .dbm .emod .mtn .ims .med .okt .pt36 .sfx .ahx .dtm .gtk .tcb .dtt .cop .ayc .mtc .gsf They don't even allow you to set loops, lengths or subsongs.
For example, if you want your file to repeat three times, you can simply put 3 at there!
$fur2mp3 3
Select a sub-song from your file.
In some formats, an error occurs when entering an invalid value
For example, if you want your file to repeat two times, and subsong number as 5, you can complete your command like this!
$fur2mp3 2 5
<Osc, Vid Codec>
Render your file as an oscilloscope video.
This is a slightly complex feature, so it is recommended that you fully understand it before using it
Basically, this feature simply provides you with rendering your file into an oscilloscope video. There are no complicated features, all you can choose is to turn this option off or choose one of the video codecs below.
Put 1 if you want to render your file using H265 Codec. This is a recently released high-efficiency codec. The image quality is slightly better, but rendering takes a lot of time.
Or you can put 2 if you want to render it using H264. This is fast, but the video quality is relatively worse than H265.
Also you can put 3 if you want to get non-compressed video for your youtube channel :)
It will upload your video on 희민Heemin's Google Drive! (Of course it will give you the link of the video lol)
Any supported file can be rendered natively. However, due to Discord's file transfer size limitations, the video will be compressed at the end, and the longer you request, the worse the quality will be.
For example, if you want your file to repeat one time, subsong number as 2, and render it using H264, you can complete your command like this!
For example, if you want your file to continue for 175 seconds, subsong number as 7, and upload it on 희민Heemin's Google Drive, also want to post it in a specific channel in 희민Heemin's Discord Server, you can complete your command like this!
$fur2mp3 175 7 3 1
<Extra Options>
Extra options for some special formats
Determines whether to use midi2vgm.
Enter -1 or leave blank to use an standard renderer. (Oscilloscope rendering is not supported in this mode)
From 0 to 77 midi2vgm will be used, which determines the opl3 bank. (Default is 58) The following is a list of OPL3 banks.
0 - AIL (Star Control 3, Albion, Empire 2, etc.)
1 - Bisqwit (selection of 4op and 2op)
2 - HMI (Descent, Asterix)
3 - HMI (Descent:: Int)
4 - HMI (Descent:: Ham)
5 - HMI (Descent:: Rick)
6 - HMI (Descent 2)
7 - HMI (Normality)
8 - HMI (Shattered Steel)
9 - HMI (Theme Park)
10 - HMI (3d Table Sports, Battle Arena Toshinden)
11 - HMI (Aces of the Deep)
12 - HMI (Earthsiege)
13 - HMI (Anvil of Dawn)
14 - DMX (Doom 2)
15 - DMX (Hexen, Heretic)
16 - DMX (DOOM, MUS Play)
17 - AIL (Discworld, Grandest Fleet, etc.)
18 - AIL (Warcraft 2)
19 - AIL (Syndicate)
20 - AIL (Guilty, Orion Conspiracy, TNSFC ::4op)
21 - AIL (Magic Carpet 2) :NON-GM:
22 - AIL (Nemesis)
23 - AIL (Jagged Alliance) :NON-GM:
24 - AIL (When Two Worlds War) :MISS-INS:
25 - AIL (Bards Tale Construction) :MISS-INS:
26 - AIL (Return to Zork) :NON-GM:
27 - AIL (Theme Hospital)
28 - AIL (National Hockey League PA)
29 - AIL (Inherit The Earth) :NON-GM:
30 - AIL (Inherit The Earth, file two) :NON-GM:
31 - AIL (Little Big Adventure) :4op:
32 - AIL (Wreckin Crew) :NON-GM:
33 - AIL (Death Gate)
34 - AIL (FIFA International Soccer)
35 - AIL (Starship Invasion)
36 - AIL (Super Street Fighter 2 :4op:)
37 - AIL (Lords of the Realm) :MISS-INS:
38 - AIL (SimFarm, SimHealth) :4op:
39 - AIL (SimFarm, Settlers, Serf City)
40 - AIL (Caesar 2) :p4op: :MISS-INS:
41 - AIL (Syndicate Wars) :NON-GM:
42 - AIL (Bubble Bobble Feat. Rainbow Islands, Z)
43 - AIL (Warcraft) :NON-GM:
44 - AIL (Terra Nova Strike Force Centuri) :p4op:
45 - AIL (System Shock) :p4op:
46 - AIL (Advanced Civilization)
47 - AIL (Battle Chess 4000) :p4op: :NON-GM:
48 - AIL (Ultimate Soccer Manager :p4op:)
49 - AIL (Air Bucks, Blue And The Gray, etc) :NON-GM:
50 - AIL (Ultima Underworld 2) :NON-GM:
51 - AIL (Kasparov's Gambit) :NON-GM:
52 - AIL (High Seas Trader) :MISS-INS:
53 - AIL (Master of Magic) :4op:
54 - AIL (Master of Magic) :4op: orchestral drums
55 - SB (Action Soccer)
56 - SB (3d Cyberpuck :: melodic only)
57 - SB (Simon the Sorcerer :: melodic only)
58 - OP3 (The Fat Man 2op set; Win9x)
59 - OP3 (The Fat Man 4op set)
60 - OP3 (JungleVision 2op set :: melodic only)
61 - OP3 (Wallace 2op set, Nitemare 3D :: melodic only)
62 - TMB (Duke Nukem 3D)
63 - TMB (Shadow Warrior)
64 - DMX (Raptor)
65 - SB (Modded GMOPL by Wohlstand)
66 - SB (Jamie O'Connell's bank)
67 - TMB (Apogee Sound System Default bank) :broken drums:
68 - WOPL (4op bank by James Alan Nguyen and Wohlstand)
69 - TMB (Blood)
70 - TMB (Rise of the Triad)
71 - TMB (Nam)
72 - WOPL (DMXOPL3 bank by Sneakernets)
73 - EA (Cartooners)
74 - WOPL (Apogee IMF 90-ish)
75 - The Lost Vikings
76 - DMX (Strife)
77 - WOPL (MS-AdLib, Windows 3.x)